Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Cherrybelle Indonesia a new Girlband

What if 9 beautiful girl, sweet, cute, clever and good at singing jamming dance gathered in a group / Girlband? Singing and dancing along with an adorable style. Will surely be something awesome and amazing .. that's CHERRYBELLE aka Chibi.

Cherry which means sweet , and Belle means beautiful, while the chibi means small and cute.

CHERRYBELLE name is very fitting description for the nine girls who formed from the audition phase 3, where they managed to set aside hundreds of other girls to become CHERRYBELLE ... they are Cherly, Angel, Wenda, Ryn, Christy, Felly, Devi, Dental and Anisa.

In this debut CHERRYBELLE present in Indonesia music scene with a musical style that may already be familiar in the ear of the audience of K-Pop.

Although it started popping up a lot Girlband are similar, but CHERRYBELLE have something worthy to be appreciated more .. In addition to young age that allows them to move more energetic style of dance that was more powerful jamming and varied and strong vocal character makes CHERRYBELLE Girlband are expected to become a Indonesia will inspire many young people.

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