Sunday, June 19, 2011

Six Skin Diseases Lurk Us

The so-called "skin disease" is not just a skin fungus, ringworm, and scabies. There are several other disorders that can affect the skin. Six of the disease is most common. What?

1. Rosacea
According to one study, at least 45 million people worldwide suffer from rosacea. But many of them are unaware of. Rosacea is characterized by patches of red in the face, small burst blood vessels and visible under the skin, bruntus bruntus-red, and eyes are often red / irritated. Most people rocasea is people with white skin, a face flush easily when exposed to sunlight, or while changing emotions (shame, sadness, anger, and so on). Until now still have not found what causes rosacea, and although not contagious, this disorder can not be cured.

2. Pimple
Disease this one certainly is no stranger to us. Whether in the form of blackheads on the nose or the annoying red bumps, skin disorder is caused by clogged pores oil. To find out how powerful eradicate acne, click on this link: Natural Ways to Fight Acne

3. Seborrhea
This name may be somewhat foreign to us. However, seborrhea usually affects the scalp, and had another name: dandruff. Seborrhea may also appear in other parts besides the scalp, face, ears, eyebrows, and even reproduction. Prevent seborrhea is actually not difficult, just make sure your skin is always clean and washed with mild soap.

4. Eczema
Although it can attack all people, eczema usually appears on the skin of babies or children under age 5. The disease is usually inherited genetically by parents. Different characteristics in each person, but usually characterized by dry skin, flushed, and very itchy. Usually affects the neck, inner elbow, inner knees, and ankles. Eczema can appear on the skin when stimulated by the ingredients of soap, cosmetics, clothes, detergent, or jewelry, which do not fit with the skin. In some severe cases, stress and temperature changes can also be one cause.

5. Skin cancer
Skin cancer is one of the most common type of cancer occurs. It is estimated that every year there are 1 million people who contracted the disease, and the number is increasing every year. The main cause of skin cancer is ultraviolet light (this is why wear sunscreen every day is very important), but it can also be caused by other factors such as burns, radiation therapy, organ transplantation, and genetic skin conditions such as albinism.

6. Psoriasis
Psoriasis is a skin disorder that is not contagious, but very common. Sufferers of skin is usually red, dry, and thickened. People with mild psoriasis are often unaware of this disease, but in patients with severe, sometimes the entire body is covered by thick skin, redness, and rough. This disease can not be cured completely, but many patients who reported their condition improved after living in places with warmer temperatures.

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